Storm Aviation Maintenance Training
Online training and support for classroom based Part147 & 145 courses.
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This training package has been produced to introduce you to the use of the management software used to access Airbus maintenance data.
It is not definitive and individual operators may use their own access systems. These would require specific training.
This course should take 1 hour.- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
- Manager: Kelly JONES
Training notes/AMM references for classroom portion of initial EGR training A320 family (IAE V2500 & CFM56).
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
Online course for Engine Ground Run Differences for the PW1100G.
(From CFM56/V2500/LEAP-1A).
This course should take 4 hours.
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
Airbus A319/A320/A321 (CFM LEAP-1A) B1/2 Differences Course (Theory)
3-day duration.
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
- Manager: Kelly JONES
For Engine Ground Run Engineers who already have EGR A320 (CFM56/V2500/PW1100G)
This course should take 4 hours.
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
Part-147 approved differences course for the B1 & B2 Theoretical Elements on the EA GP7200 engine & interfaces.
Differences from Airbus A380 (RR Trent 900).
3-day duration.
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
Part-147 approved differences course for the B1 & B2 Theoretical Elements on the Trent 900 engine & interfaces.
Differences from Airbus A380 (EA GP7200).
3-day duration.
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
- Manager: Kelly JONES
Recommendations and Background Information for De-icing/Anti-icing of aircraft on the Ground 30th Edition
This course should take 2.5 hours.
- Manager: Jennie Poon
- This course satisfies the requirements of Appendix IV to AMC 145.A.30(e).
It forms part of the phase II training required by personnel of the Part-145 maintenance organisation required to plan, perform, supervise, inspect and certify the maintenance of aircraft and fuel system components on applicable aircraft.
This course should take 4 hours.
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
Perquisite for engineers attending Structured On-Job Training at Storm Aviation.
Note: For supervisors, this should be completed annually.
This course should take 2 hours.
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
- Manager: Kelly JONES
Online Continuation (CT) Training.
The quiz password is: AH123!
Note: There is a 2-hour waiting period between attempts.
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
- CT Manager: Alec HIBBERT
- Manager: Kelly JONES
- Manager: Jennie Poon
Online Part-145 Recurrent & Safety Training
Was Continuation Training (CT) Course
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
'FIT' - Instructional Techniques Course or 'Train the Trainer'
Can be used as:
- Initial or Refresher - with examination.
- Manager: Kelly JONES
- Manager: Martyn Paul MALTBY
Distance Synchronous Learning (DSL) Training
Necessary Training for DLS and use of the Teams Meeting Software.
(Note Webex Software is no longer used).
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
Used at remotes site locations.
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
- Manager: Sarah GREENWOOD
- Manager: Eglė Jurgelaitytė
Training Course/Area for Part-147 Instructors and Administrative Staff
- Manager: Benjamin GREENAWAY
- Manager: Sarah GREENWOOD
- Manager: Kelly JONES
Part-147 ATR 42-400/500/72-212A refresher/update training
Please complete all sections of the course prior to your specific type knowledge assessment.
Boeing 777-200/300 (GE 90 & RR Trent 800 & PW4000) Part-147 Instructor Refresher Covering:
1) Systems Overview
2) Regulatory Requirements & Safety Publications (ADs)
3) Service Documents & Modifications (SLs)
4) Maintenance Tips To keep instructors recent in compliance with Part-147 guidance documentation.
- Manager: Jonas KARALIUS